Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 31, No 1 (2018)

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Influence of irrigation levels and water soluble fertilizers on growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)



A field experiment was conducted to study the influence of irrigationlevels and water soluble fertilizers on growth and yield of sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) at the Main Agricultural Research Station,Dharwad, Karnataka during summer 2016. The experiment was laidout in Split Plot Design with twelve treatments along with one control.Irrigation scheduled at moisture depletion levels recorded significantlyhigher plant height (193.3 cm), leaf area (2,625 cm2 plant-1) and totaldry matter production (85.1 g plant-1) at 90 DAS as compared to otherlevels of irrigation. The growth parameters were influenced significantlyon sunflower grain yield (2,067 kg ha-1) and 100 seed weight (4.33 g)which were higher with irrigation scheduled at moisture depletion levels.Similarly, plant height (196.2 cm), leaf area (2,624 cm2 plant-1) andtotal dry matter production (84.2 g plant-1) at 90 DAS and grain yield(2,166 kg ha-1) and 100 seed weight (4.35g) were higher at foliar sprayof 2.0 per cent (19:19:19) water soluble fertilizers (WSF) with RDF(90:90:60 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1 + 10 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 + 100 kg Gypsumha-1 + 0.5 per cent Borax at ray floret initiation stage) as compared toother concentration levels. Control plot receiving RDF with irrigationinterval once in 15 days recorded lower grain yield (1,652 kg ha-1) andother growth parameters. The crude protein content did not differsignificantly. The interaction effect due to irrigation levels and WSFwith RDF was non significant. It may be concluded that irrigationscheduled at moisture depletion levels with spraying of WSF at 2.0 percent with RDF was found superior.

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