Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 31, No 2 (2018)

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Use of plant growth regulators to enhance productivity of hybrid capsicum grown under polyhouse



An experiment was carried out to study the response of capsicum hyb. Indra to the foliar application of plantgrowth regulators at different intervals. a naturally ventilated polyhouse was selected for the study at Hi-Tech HorticultureUnit, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during 2015-16. The experiment consisted of 19 treatment combinationswith 6 plant growth regulators viz., NAA @ 50 ppm (G1); NAA @ 100 ppm (G2); NAA @ 150 ppm (G3); CCC @ 200 ppm(G4); CCC @ 400 ppm (G5) and CCC @ 600 ppm (G6) and three different intervals spraying, I1: spray at 30, 45 DAP; I2:spray at 30, 45 and 60 DAP and I3: spray at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAP as well as one absolute control wherein no sprayingcarried out. The highest plant height (157.39 cm), number of leaves (156.03) were found with G3 x I3 whereas, the lowestplant height (121.57 cm) and internode length (7.98 cm) were observed with the application of CCC @ 600 ppm. Thehighest number of flowers and fruits were observed with the application of CCC @ 600 ppm. However, the higher fruityield was observed with G2 x I3 (10.66 kg/plant) and G6 x I3 (10.50 kg/plant). Spraying NAA @ 100 ppm resulted in betterfruit qualities with higher fruit length, fruit diameter, pericarp thickness and increased shelf life. Hence, spraying NAA @100 ppm at four intervals (30, 45, 60 and 75 DAP) was found beneficial in improving productivity and fruit qualities incapsicum grown under polyhouse.

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