Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 33, No 1 (2020)

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Agroforestry: An ecosystem approach in farming for sustainability



 Food security is achieved through the technological interventions; nevertheless, it is entailed with environment degradation. Often the practice of intensive agriculture at many instances is associated with ecosystem degeneration and thereby adversely affected sustainability. This, therefore, necessitated the need for redesigning farming systems which could increase production while conserving and improving ecosystem. Among the different land use systems, agroforestry - a combination of annual crops and perennial trees - due to improved vegetation diversity with economical and ecological functions found to help achieve the goals of sustainability and restoration of ecosystem besides diversified products. The ecosystem services such as soil fertility improvement, efficiency of natural resources, microclimate, biodiversity and carbon sequestration are also enhanced. Hence, tree-based land use system which mimic the natural vegetation to some extent could be considered as the preferred natural resource management strategy and it needs to be strengthened and expanded on farm through extensive research and extension activities

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