Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 21, No 3 (2008)

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A Study on Knowledge and Extent of Adoption of Plant Protection Measures in Coconut Crop

R. Thippeswamy, Syed Sadaqath, L. Manjunatha, L.V. Hirevenkanagoudar


The study on knowledge and extent of adoption of plant protection measures in coconut cultivation by farmers of Chitradurga district was conducted during 2006-07.  This district was purposively selected where in maximum area was covered by coconut cultivation and also pests and diseases in this district severely affected the crop.  In the present study, it was observed that the maximum of 61.88 per cent of coconut growing farmers had medium knowledge level about cultivation and plant protection measures.  Further, it was also observed that about 58.76 per cent of farmers had adopted plant protection measures to control pests and diseases.  The farmers had hundred percent of absolute knowledge about mites infestation.  Similarly, farmers also had (97.50 %)  absolute knowledge about bud rot disease.  Further, in case of extent of adoption of plant protection measures, about 27.00 per cent  of farmers revealed complete adoption of plant protection measures to control mites infestation, followed by a maximum of 28.00 per cent full adoption to control bud rot disease, respectively.

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