Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 24, No 3 (2011)

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A study on profile characteristics of men and women extension officers and their job performance and job satisfaction

D. Mishra, D.M. Chandaragi, L.V. Hirevenkanagoudar


A study carried out during 2004-05 on extension officers of KSDA to ascertain their job performance and job satisfaction revealed that the variables namely; age, experience, job stress, organizational commitment and job satisfaction were significantly correlated with job performance. Among men extension officers age, experience and annual income were significant but had negative relationship with job performance. Whereas, among women extension officers age, experience and information seeking behaviour were found significant. Results from multiple regression analysis followed by step-wise multiple regression showed that job involvement, job stress, organizational climate, information seeking behaviour and achievement motivation were the five major factors affecting the job satisfaction of extension officers of KSDA.

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