Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 30, No 4 (2017)

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An analysis of entrepreneurial behavior of dry grape (raisin) producers of Vijayapura district



The present study was conducted in the year 2016-17 in Vijayapura district of Karnataka state with a samplesize of 120 farmers. Random sampling procedure was used to select the sample. The data was collected with the help ofpre structured interview schedule. The socio-economic profile of the respondents revealed majority (72.50 %) of thefarmers was belonged to middle age category, 54.27 per cent of respondents belong to semi – medium land holding category,85 per cent) were in medium income category, 58.33 per cent observed in medium experience category, and 53.33 per centseen in medium material possession category, whereas 62.50 per cent belonged to low extension contact category,42.50 per cent belonged to medium category of mass media participation, 90.83 per cent were the members of commoditygroup, 51.66 per cent were falling under medium cosmopoliteness category, 82.50 per cent of total numbers of respondentswere not underwent any training, 85.83 per cent of the respondents had a linkage with private company, followed byconsiderable percentage (32.50 %) of the total respondents had linkage with UAS or UHS scientists. The majority (68.34%) of the respondents belonged to medium entrepreneurial behavior category. Whereas, 18.33 per cent of the respondentswere belonged to high entrepreneurial behavior category and 13.33 per cent of the respondents were belonged to lowentrepreneurial behaviour category

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